Request |
Year: | 2013 |
Request Date: | |
Claimer: | Mr. LULZIM CEKA, represented by Mr. Qazim Gjonaj (lawyer), with special power of attorney. |
Interested Subject: | GENERAL PROSECUTION, in absentia. |
Object: | The repeal as unconstitutional of the decision no. 13, dated 09.04.1998, of Court of Bulqiza Judicial District; of the decision no. 183, dated 02.06.1998, of Tirana Court of Appeal and of the decision no. 237, dated 06.11.1998, of Supreme Court. |
Collegial Court Verdict |
Number: | |
Date: | |
Decided: | |
Session Date: | Time: |
Court Verdict |
Number: | 39 |
Date: | 26.07.2013 |
Decided: | Rejected |
Other |
Categorization: | 1.1.10. Inidividët, Shumicë, Kontroll konkret, 1.6.1. Subjektet (legjitimimi), Konventa Evropiane për të Drejtat e Njeriut dhe protokollet shtesë, Gjykata Evropiane e të Drejtave të Njeriut, Vendime të mëparëshme të Gjykatës Kushtetuese, Item Description, Item Description, Item Description |
Entire Verdict: | Nr: 39 Date: 26.07.2013 |