

Year:  2009
Request Date:  
Claimer:  A GROUP OF 31 DEPUTIES OF THE ASSEMBLY OF ALBANIA, represented by Lawyer Artan Hajdari with special power of attorney.
Interested Subject:  ASSEMBLY OF THE REPUBLIC OF ALBANIA, represented by Mr. Lulzim Leçaj, with authoriazation. COUNCIL OF MINISTERES, represented by Ms. Marsida Xhaferllari, with authorization. AGENCY OF LEGALIZATION, URBANIZATION AND INTEGRATION OF INFORMAL AREAS/CONSTRUCTIONS (A.L.U.I.Z.N.I), represented by General Deputy-Director, Mr. Ferdinand Shehaj.
Object:  1. The declaration as incompatible with the Constitution of the Republic of Albania and European Charter of Local Self- Government of articles 3, point 8; 4; 5, point 2; 6; 7; 8; 10; 13; 14, point 3; 16; 17; 20, point 2; 23; 24; 26 and 28, point 2, of the law nr.9895, dated 09.06.2008 On some amendments and additions to law nr.9482, dated 03.04.2006 On legalization, urbanization and integration of unauthorized constructions. 2. Suspension of law nr.9895, dated 09.06.2008 2008 On some amendments and additions to law no. 9482 dated 03.04.2006 On the legalisation, urbanisation and integration of unauthorized constructions.

Collegial Court Verdict

Session Date:          Time:  

Court Verdict

Number:  3
Date:  02.02.2009
Decided:  Accepted


Categorization: Shumicë, Kontroll abstrakt, Karta Europiane e Autonomisë Vendore, Vendime të mëparëshme të Gjykatës Kushtetuese, 4.5. Autonomia Vendore, 4.5.1. Bashkitë, 4.5.2. Parimet themelore, Autonomia, Item Description, Item Description, Item Description
Entire Verdict:  Nr: 3 Date: 02.02.2009
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