Request |
Year: | 2010 |
Request Date: | |
Claimer: | PEOPLES ADVOCATE, represented by Florina Nuni and Frederik Paskali with authorization. |
Interested Subject: | ASSEMBLY OF THE REPUBLIC OF ALBANIA, represented by Mr. Lulzim Leçaj, with authorization.
COUNCIL OF MINISTERS, represented by Mrs. Marsida Xhaferllari, with authorization.
NAZMI DRIZA, absent.
Object: | 1. The repeal on unconstitutional grounds of the law no.9948, dated 07.07.2008 On examination of the legal validity of establishment of property titles on agricultural land and Decision of the Council of Ministers no.1269, dated 17.09.2008 On the composition, functioning, duties and liabilities of the state structures assigned to examination of the legal validity of establishment of property titles on agricultural land.
2. The suspension of application of law no.9948, dated 07.07.2008 On examination of the legal validity of establishment of property titles on agricultural land and Decision of Council of Ministers no.1269, dated 17.09.2008 On the composition, functioning, duties and liabilities of the state structures assigned to examination of the legal validity of establishment of property titles on agricultural land.
Collegial Court Verdict |
Number: | |
Date: | |
Decided: | |
Session Date: | Time: |
Court Verdict |
Number: | 29 |
Date: | 31.05.2010 |
Decided: | Rejected |
Other |
Categorization: | 1.1.6. Avokati i Popullit, Shumicë, Kontroll konkret, Konventa Evropiane për të Drejtat e Njeriut dhe protokollet shtesë, Konventa Europiane mbi të drejtat e fëmijës, Vendime të mëparëshme të Gjykatës Kushtetuese, 3.1. Shteti i së drejtës, 3.11. Ndarja dhe balancimi i pushteteve, 3.5. Siguria juridike, Item Description, Item Description, Item Description, Item Description |
Entire Verdict: | Nr: 29 Date: 31.05.2010 |