Seminars and other events for the year 2012

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In cooperation with EURALIUS - European Assistance Mission to the Albanian Justice System, in December 13-14, 2012 was held a seminar on “Admissibility of individual applications by the Constitutional Court - the Spanish experience," whose lecturer was Dr. Juan Carlos Cabanas from the Constitutional Court of Spain. The organization of this seminar followed the cooperation between the Constitutional Court of Albania and the Constitutional Court of Spain, which is also substantiated by the study visit of a delegation of the Court in Spain, in February.
The Constitutional Court of Albania and the German Foundation for International Legal Cooperation (IRZ) organized in November 14-16, 2012 a joint seminar on the topic "Protection of Human Rights in Europe", with the participation of legal advisers and administrative staff of the Constitutional Court. Lecturer of the seminar was Prof. Dr. Jan Bergmann, presiding judge at the Administrative Court of Stuttgart, Germany.
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