At the invitation of Mr. Chile Eboe-Osuji, President of the International Criminal Court, Ms Vitore Tusha, Acting President of the Constitutional Court of Albania, participated in the Special Session marking the opening of the Judicial Year 2020 of the International Criminal Court, and in the Third Annual Judicial Seminar organized on this occasion. The activities took place in The Hague, Netherland, on January 23, 2020.
The organization of the above-mentioned activities by the International Criminal Court has begun since 2018, and their main purpose is to create a space for the exchange of views on the most important issues affecting the international criminal justice system.
The working sessions of this seminar were focused on two main topics, which were very important not only for international jurisdictions, but also for the regional and national ones as well: the use of time limits for the issuance of judicial decision in criminal proceedings - experiences and perspectives; and the usage of dissenting and separate opinions.
Participants who attended the seminar were the judges of the International Criminal Court, high level judges from national jurisdictions of the States Parties to the Rome Statute (Republic of Albania is a State Party as well), and high level judges from international and regional jurisdictions.
During its stay in The Hague, the Albanian delegation was received in a special meeting by Ms Adia Sakiqi, Ambassador of the Republic of Albania to the Kingdom of Low Countries (Pays-Bas)